Kim Dora
Kim Dora is Professor of Microvascular Pharmacology at Oxford University and a Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford where she teaches medical students. On moving to Oxford, she was awarded by two successive Senior Fellowships from the British Heart Foundation to study the microcirculation, with a particular focus on the human coronary microcirculation. Prior to moving to Oxford she was Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and then Reader in Cardiovascular Pharmacology University of Bath (2000-2008). Originally from Australia, she was awarded a CJ Martin Fellowship from the Australian NH&MRC to work in the USA with Brian Duling at the University of Virginia, before moving to the University of Bristol in the UK to work with Chris Garland, with whom she continues to collaborate. Her current research investigates the physiology and pharmacology of the coronary microcirculation, with a particular focus on myo-endothelial feedback mechanisms and conducted dilation, areas where her seminal discoveries have helped shape the field.